Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why do dogs lick their own balls?

Because they can.

And that seems the entire reason behind the Bloc's threat to bring down the government over Canada’s Afghanistan mission.

Does Gilles Duceppe need a reminder that it was the Afghanistan-based Osama bin laden that was behind 9/11?

Have Canadian troops done anything but represent their country with the highest degree of honour, valour and courage?

Should we, as a G8 nation - and as such, a global leader – ignore our responsibilities to fight tyranny and defend our freedom in the face of direct threats?

Does peacekeeping - since Pearson a defining Canadian strength and source of national pride on the world stage - entail handing out lilies and releasing doves as former victims of genocide and warfare welcome us with ticker tape parades and bake sales?

Can Canada expect to command the respect of its fellow global leaders without contributing to world peace, justice and stability?

With such a vast yet vulnerable nation, does Duceppe think other countries will jump to our aid in times of need when we don't reciprocate?

If Duceppe had a say in 1944, would Canadians have played such a pivotal, honourable role on the shores of Normandy to ultimately bring an end to the second great world war?

The answer to all of these questions, of course, is no. I used to loathe the Bloc for trying to break up my country. Now it’s because they’re planning on utterly embarrassing it.

Je me souviens indeed.


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