Thursday, October 05, 2006

Still too much gay ol' time on their hands!

What gives?

As I've griped about in previous posts, the Canadian government (among others) continues to waste finite and sometimes scarce resources on beating the dead horse that is the same sex marriage debate.

This week the government confirmed its intent to revisit the debate if there is sufficient support, or at a minimum table the "Defence of Religions Act" to give officiants the freedom to refuse to perform same sex marriages.

In the past I've complained that - between healthcare, the military, environment, foreign policy, productivity and much, much more - the Canadian government has no shortage of real, far more important issues to deal with. It occurred to me today...maybe I'm laying the blame at the wrong feet. Politicians are driven (today anyways) largely by public opinion polls, so perhaps it's the fault of certain Canadians that we're trying to stop boys from kissing instead of dealing with skyrocketing health care costs.

I'm generalizing here - and going squarely against the lessons of Freakonomics - but I'm going to assume that the public sentiment driving this quagmire of an issue is rooted in the right wing old guard. And to them I say "stop being so goddamn selfish...think of your children."

To continue this debate today is to take resources away from problems that are going to plague us long into the future; long after you're dead. It's as if it's not enough that your CFCs, asbestos and leaded gasoline have left a mess of an atmosphere for your children and grandchildren. Well, as the argument goes, at least you're protecting the sanctity of marriage from the "radical homosexual agenda" and roaming armies of militant lesbians (to say nothing of the damage white heterosexual guys like me have done to it).

If that's the way you want to plan for future generations, I hope it backfires on you. In your old age I hope you find yourself needing a lead umbrella to protect yourselves from the hole in the ozone layer directly above you. I hope you cringe when your pension plan has to be spent on renting military protection from the U.S. I hope you have to drain your retirement savings to pay for your two-tiered long term medical care.

If justice is to be served, as you're wilting away in a costly home for the aged, maybe an angry (and if you have it your way, single) lesbian nurse will jab you extra hard with the needle when it's time for your monthly vitamin B injections.


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