Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another great free resource...and it works!

Converting documents to PDF can make many people's jobs much easier, but the $349.00 price tag for Adobe Acrobat - or even $99/year for the online subscription service - can seem steep, particularly for SOHO or small business owners.

Thanks to the wonders of open-source software (although I'm still not sure how the revenue model works) software development kit company BCL Technologies offers the same functionality of Adobe's online service for free. Better yet, it works like a charm. To use the service,

1. Go to
2. Select the file you want to convert to .pdf
3. Create a new file name
4. Enter your email address

Within 5 minutes you'll get an email with your .pdf attached. If you don't want to use the email or online service, for $14.99 BCL also offers an easyPDF Driver so you can print documents directly to .pdf on your desktop.


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