Sunday, March 18, 2007

If you're going to question faith...have your facts straight!

In spite of comments from a few weeks ago, I really don't try to single out The Toronto Sun for sources of humour; really, I try to be equally constructive in my criticism to all (myself very much included).

But this I can't just leave there...

In his recent column Tales from the Crypt, Sun columnist Thane Burnett - admitedly voicing the concerns of hundreds of thousands, if not millions. of practicing Christians - expressed a fair amount of displeasure towards highly publicized and controversial documentary The Tomb of Jesus. As if Dan Brown hadn't done enough, now more doubt was being cast on the foundations of Christianity.

But here's Burnett's argument:

"If you're going to question the basis of Christian belief, you better make sure your case is airtight."

And if you're reading the way I am, what Burnett is saying is not to challenge faith in the centuries old, imcomplete diaries, written by many but edited by few over the course of centuries (I admit, my sources are largely Dan Brown books and recently completed The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury), unless your case is....actually, I can't think of a better word than airtight.

As airtight as the resurrection? Maybe.

But that's just it. You can't hold up faith in a court of law. There is room for and value in faith to be sure. But you can't ask that it be defended or disputed based on a logical case.

Faith isn't based on's based on faith.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger CORCORAN said...

who could disagree?


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