Sunday, February 19, 2006

Stop Or I'll Squirt!

There's an interesting piece of legislation spreading through Ontario municipalities these days focused on none other than the homeland security threat imposed by toy guns. It would appear that a growing number of Mayors – David Miller included – are supporting legislation to ban toy guns. The model currently being tossed around – and adopted by at least one Ontario municipality – is a $150 fine for anyone under 18 caught in public with a toy gun.

Now, nostalgia about the good old days of cops, robbers, cowboys, Indians, cap guns, squirt guns and overall pretend guns aside, is there something I’m missing here? On the one hand, how many 12 year olds have held up a convenience store with a super soaker? And, on the other hand, why is it okay for a 19-year old to play with a toy-gun in public?


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